Henry B. Ossi, CPE, LEED AP, ICS

Henry B. Ossi, CPE, LEED AP, ICS

Director of Construction Administration, Associate

Henry, DMR’s Director of Construction Administration and an Associate of the firm, has guided billions of dollars of work through the demanding process of construction during his 20 years with the firm.

Henry and his team are responsible for supervising all construction activities, cost estimating and construction management assignments. He ensures adherence to budget, schedule and local code through field observation, quality control and contractor negotiations. He is able to anticipate challenges and provide the necessary direction to deliver successful projects.

With a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Fairleigh Dickinson University, Henry was a successful contractor and interim Business Administrator before joining DMR. Also a licensed building official and certified cost estimator, his understanding of construction codes, costs and procedures; finance; and facilities and personnel management have helped distinguish DMR’s approach to construction administration services.