As the planning consultant to the Borough of Dunellen, DMR has completed a number of projects related to the Borough’s redevelopment, economic development, community engagement and infrastructure goals.
Downtown Vision Plan
DMR’s created a vision plan to guide future redevelopment of the mile-square borough. As part of the process, DMR led a community engagement effort, including an online visual preference survey and interactive public process that engaged more than 500 residents.
Pop Up Park
DMR managed the implementation of the first of many initiatives of the Downtown Vision Plan: a summer pop-up-park on North Ave., the borough’s main commercial corridor. Located near businesses, the train station and Borough Hall, the temporary place provided space for residents and visitors to sit, engage with their community and take part in special programming.
Master Plan Reexamination and Master Plan, Complete Streets and Transit Friendly Planning Survey
DMR completed the Borough’s Master Plan Reexamination to satisfy the Borough’s legal obligation, adding on a community engagement and online survey process as an added-value. The online survey process grew to include NJTransit and the New Jersey Transportation Planning Authority (NJTPA) as collaborators in order to advance other initiatives.
Cannabis Business Public Survey
DMR managed a third online survey process to seek input from Dunellen residents and business owners to determine what regulations the mayor and council should establish in relationship to the commercialization of recreational cannabis.
Climate Resiliency Plan
DMR wrote what is believed to be one of the first Climate Resiliency Master Plans on behalf of the Borough. Dunellen, recognizing its susceptibility to threats related to overall climate change, undertook the creation of its Climate Resiliency Plan in accordance with municipal land use law regulations. The plan guides decision-making related to zoning, redevelopment, housing, infrastructure, green initiatives, pedestrian safety and other aspects of daily life and municipal governance.